Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The smartest comedy on air, many opine
Sadly, its survival is on the line.
Save Greendale, Save Community.
Or else.. Oh, the humanity!
It would, indeed, be the darkest timeline.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Game of Thrones

Song about A song of Ice and Fire

Warning: Possible GoT spoilers up ahead:
Your favorite character is dead.
If not this episode, the next.
"To know more, go read the text"
Every annoying bookworm smugly said.


Warning: Major spoilers up ahead:
Your favorite character is dead.
Amidst the sex and gore,
politics and more.
But why Ned, GRR Martin, why Ned?

If you've finished book 1 or season 1 or just dont care, select the last line.