Saturday, July 18, 2015

Happy 100 to me!

I am a hundred posts old!
Some terrible; a few gold.
And now from this peak
The answer I seek:
Should I stay or should I fold?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Aww look at the cutey kitty cat

Today, someone smuggled a kitten into office
Of all the reactions, I never imagined this.
Maybe its coz she's so tiny,
Playful with eyes so shiny.
Although mind control is also a hypothesis!

Note: T. Gondii is an actual parasite that alters the behavior (mind control!) of rats making them more susceptible to be eaten by cats - which is the only host where the T. Gondii can reproduce. It's pretty fascinating.  I remember reading somewhere about how it could also affect behavior of humans but I could not find proof of that.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Prime Day Disappointment

Prime day was to be a miser's gold mine.
I started looking at deals in office at nine
But the bargains were few
And really nothing new.
Though a fancy chef's hat is now mine!

Sunday, July 12, 2015


We were secure; our building was defended
With firmness and care, us kids were tended.
He knew great pain
But did not complain.
So many thanks.. And now his watch has ended.