Saturday, July 18, 2009


Chocolate or Vanilla. Arts or Science. Bus or cab. Regular or Diet. Free Will or Destiny. Organic or artificial. Attend or bunk. Evolution or Creationism. Some are easy. Some are obvious. Some determine the next few minutes. Some, that you can look back and know that those were the choices that made all the difference. Some that freak you out before. Some that will haunt you long after decision time.
Of course, as people point out sagely, its not all black or white. There's a massive grey area. But, sometimes, choosing the middle road only takes you so far.

Of course, this has all been done before and, as a small comfort in times of conflict, we get to use the Bard's most popular (and easiest to remember) quotes "To be or not to be, that is the question"

1 comment:

Dhruv Matani said...

well, thank Goodness that the sperm thingy doesn't know about your "Grey area" concept!! ;)